Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Client-Stylist Relationships: That Stuff's Important!

   Let's keep the message short and sweet. It is so so SO important to develop a good relationship with your hairstylist. And by this I don't necessarily mean you have the become best friends and spend time together outside of the salon. I DO mean that you must get to know one another. Probably a little more than you know the cashier at the grocery store you frequent. Here are a few pointers....

1) Communication: You must be able to talk comfortably with your stylist. This doesn't mean you have to tell her every juicy (or not so juicy) detail of you love life. This just means you need to feel comfortable enough to tell her what you like and what you dislike about your hair. If the two of you can't communicate honestly as a pair, you will never get what you want. So it wouldn't make a difference if you went to someone different every time you got a service done. (I don't recommend seeing someone different every time. How will they ever really get to know your hair if you only see them once?) This leads us to.....

2) Repetition: When you see the same hairstylist consistently, it helps them not only develop a better relationship with you, but also with your hair. The way your hair lays. The way your reacts to color. They can help you work out any problems you may be having with your cut, or with your styling procedure at home. They'll get to know your lifestyle, how much time you are willing to spend on your hair, and what trending styles would be appropriate for you career. 

3) Confidence: Confidence in yourself AND your stylist is highly important. You need to feel confidant enough to really say what you want. (This doesn't mean you have to be rude.) You must also have enough confidence in your stylist to believe her when she tells you something won't work out for your hair. She is the professional! She has the current state and future health of you hair in mind. 

   To sum it up, Try you best to communicate with confidence what your wants and needs are EVERY time you visit you hairstylist. You're hair and your stylist will thank you!

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