Monday, September 16, 2013


   I hope that everyone has had as wonderful a weekend as I did! If you are anything like me your weekends are probably pretty busy, being packed with a combination of things that NEED done and things that you would like to do. By Monday morning you're left wondering "WHERE DID MY WEEKEND GO and why am I EXHAUSTED?" I don't have the answer for you, but I can help your hectic Monday morning hair routine go a little smoother.

   What's my secret to a smooth Monday morning you ask? DRY SHAMPOO! What else?! (Well, coffee helps too but we all know this!) Dry shampoo has been around for many decades. In it's earlier days, 1940's and on, it came in a powder form that was mostly marketed toward women who were ill and unable to wash their hair in the traditional manner. The powder would absorb the hair's oils to help maintain a "cleaner" appearance. 

   Now-a-days, the most common form of dry shampoo comes in an aerosol spray. Most still have a powder like consistency when sprayed on the hair, though some I have tried are quite wet (which I felt kind of defeated the products purpose.) Most Professional Haircare lines now carry a dry shampoo. Some even carry dry conditioner which I have yet to try, though I imagine it might be nice to use on your ends if you have dry hair.

   SO basically, if you are running behind Monday morning and just don't have the time to wash your hair, dry shampoo can save the day! Usually directions will say to hold the can a certain distance from the head, lift sections of hair, and spray at the root. You can then comb through to evenly distribute the product, then style as you would normally. I find that not only does it absorb the oil, but it give me more volume and control than I have with freshly washed hair. (My only issue being that some brands will leave a greyish cast on very dark hair. If you have dark hair be sure to ask your stylist which brand they suggest to avoid this problem.) 

    My dry shampoo of choice right now is Redken's Powder Refresh 01. It smells nice and it doesn't leave the greyish film on my black hair that so many others have. But don't take my word for it. Go out and try some for yourself. Anything to help on a Manic Monday Morning, right?

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