Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Adventures in Color: My "Galaxy" Hair.


   So I got the color bug up my butt (Is that a weird thing to say?) like I do every so often, and I decided I wanted to go all out and try my hand at this "Galaxy" hair thing. My hair's pretty short right now as I got the cut-all-your-hair off bug a couple of months ago. (In my defense, it WAS really hot out!) Anyway, as always I regret cutting my hair off, but I figured I might as well have some fun with my color while it's short. 

              This is a picture of what I mean by the Galaxy look, in case you don't know. 

     Galaxy print is fairly popular right now in fashion, probably because it's just so damn fun to look at! I looked at some pictures of what people were calling Galaxy Hair and I feel that very few should be labeled as such. I then took it upon myself to try out my own version..... on myself. Here's how it went! (Don't try this at home unless you are a professional stylist!)

The first thing I did was prelighten the sections of my hair where I wanted to put my galactic color. Mmmm... Gold sure is a great color on me! Ha! Seriously, JUST KIDDING!

    Next I chose the colors I wanted to use. I picked Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, and Purple.

      After that I put on all the color and sat under the dryer for a while.......... I won't bore you with photos of this stage. I was falling asleep to be honest. :) 

                          And........... Here's some photos of the finished product!


    When I do color like this on myself it's always kind of a work in progress. I'll be tweaking it and changing it up over the next couple of months until I eventually get sick of it and move on to my next look.                              

                          Hope you've enjoyed my photo journey to Galaxy Hair!