-Next to bone marrow, hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.
-Redheads don’t feel pain to the same degree that everyone else does. Redheads are less sensitive to electrically induced pain, but are more sensitive to thermal pain
-It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day from the scalp.
-Hair is as strong as a piece of iron wire.
-A single hair can support up to 100 grams in weight and a whole head of hair could support up to 12 tonnes - the equivalent of two African elephants.
-In the Guinness Book of Records an Indian woman has hair that is over 13 feet long. (Another site said it was an Asian women and 17.5 ft so who really knows)
-Your arm hair only grows 1/2 inch to an inch because body hair growth phase only lasts a few months, whereas head hair growth phase lasts a few years. (It would be REALLY freaky if your body hair grew as long as your head hair!)
-Split ends can not be repaired and need to be cut
-Canities is the technical term for gray hair.
-In the biblical story Samson and Delilah, Samson`s strength is in his mane of hair. Delilah cuts it as he sleeps, Samson loses his strength and kills himself.(Yikes!)
-Tiny mites live in the base of your eyelashes. (The human varieties are called Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis) They come out when you sleep to eat the cells your eyelashes shed and other debris. They help eyelashes to grow by preventing hair follicles from clogging.
-Trichtollimania is the impulse to pull out one`s own hair. Some people will eat it.
- The outer most layer of the hair shaft is called the cuticle, the same as the skin around your finger nail.
-The belief that redheads where witches is a folk belief of Germanic culture. From 1483-1784 thousands of suspected witches were nearly always stripped and searched for “marks of the devil”. These included any “abnormality” such as freckles, moles, warts, and birthmarks. Red hair was certainly considered an abnormality. Considering the freckle factor for redheads this was a deadly and shocking horror. Somewhere around 45,000 women were tortured and murdered usually by burning at the stake or by drowning.
-The Thickest Hair in the Human body belongs to a man's mustache.
-During the Renaissance women plucked their entire front hair away to give the appearance of a higher forehead.
- In ancient Greece, the most sought-after hair color was blond. Not many Greeks were naturally blond, so light hair was probably perceived as beautiful because it was so exotic. Women would lighten their hair using plant extracts or arsenic(!). They also washed their locks with a mixture of ashes, olive oil, and water.
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